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What matters most to young people

The Youth Council of Spain aims to serve as a channel for meeting, dialogue, participation and advice on public policies on youth. That is why our work is focused on what matters most to young people. From educational outcomes, leaving education, finding a quality job, access to housing, equal opportunities, quality of life, mental health, democratic values and attitudes or the sustainability of our planet to make the voice of youth heard.

To this end, the Council has a line of research with which it seeks to what is the situation of young people in our country. In this way, the CJE can reinforce its proposals and demands to improve the living conditions of Spanish youth.

Non-Periodic Research

Emancipation Observatory

Analyzing youth employment and housing

It is a sociological report currently published every six months and has been in existence for more than twenty years, which collects and interprets the main statistics on employment, migration, housing, emancipation and poverty. Its objective is to offer a periodic and exhaustive follow-up of some elements related to the access of young people between 16 and 34 years of age to employment, housing and their living conditions. With a follow-up of variables such as level of studies, migratory movements, activity, occupation, type and duration of contract, poverty and purchasing power, access to housing, tenancy regime or effective cost of housing.

Towards an EU for Spanish youth

Recommendations of the CJE for the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union 2023

In order to know the opinions and attitudes of Spanish youth about the European Union and the Spanish Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the Spanish Youth Council has carried out both a quantitative and a qualitative analysis.

Alliance for Youth

A Decade for Youth

Is it Fair to Youth?

Towards a social and political pact for youth. Young people in our country entered the economic and social consequences of the pandemic without having recovered from the negative consequences of the previous economic crisis. A society that leaves young people behind is a society that puts itself at risk. That is why the Youth Council of Spain has promoted an Alliance based on 9 objectives that define a decade to achieve them, walking towards zero youth poverty,independent and autonomous youth, universal and preventive mental health, a just ecological transition, a diverse and inclusive youth, an educated youth, actively and fully participating in society and receiving fair European funds.

In March 2022, the European Year of Youth, more than 20 organizations of different national and international scope signed the Alliance for Youth in order to reach out to the Government and the different political forces to face this challenge together, guaranteeing the rights of young people.

The curse of eternal youth

Analysis document

What does it mean to be young in this context of multiple crises?

In the last decade, three crises have tested our society: the Great Recession, the COVID-19 pandemic and the current price crisis. All three have caused misery and uncertainty and have accentuated inequalities, causing some sectors of the population to pay the most for the negative consequences, including young people. Being young today means facing a reality of precariousness, instability and uncertainty.

Vulnerability of young people

Minimum Living Income Report (MIV)

Is it Fair to Youth?

The development of social protection policies to help groups at risk of exclusion cannot leave behind the most vulnerable stratum of society, because in each economic crisis, it has been young people who have suffered the most from its consequences, with higher levels of unemployment, precariousness and poverty. This report addresses, from a legal perspective, the possible unconstitutionality of the Minimum Vital Income (IMV) by excluding young people under 23 years of age and generating differentiated requirements for the population under 30 years of age who may be beneficiaries.

Formas de activismo juvenil por la defensa del medio ambiente

vulneraciones de derechos humanos en la Cuenca Amazónica

El CJE siempre ha promovido la implementación y ha trabajado para garantizar que las empresas cumplan con las normativas ambientales y de derechos humanos, siendo un actor importante en la lucha por un futuro sostenible y justo para todas las personas.

El objetivo principal de este estudio es divulgar situaciones de vulneración de derechos y servir de altavoz de aquellas personas que arriesgan sus vidas por la causa medioambiental y por su territorio.

Este estudio busca visibilizar la grave situación de vulneración de derechos humanos a la que se enfrentan las personas jóvenes activistas y las mujeres jóvenes defensoras
del territorio y de la justicia climática en la cuenca del Amazonas.


Las acrobacias de la juventud para sostener su salud mental en una sociedad desigual

En un contexto de múltiples crisis, la juventud en España se enfrenta a desafíos que ponen en riesgo su salud mental, según Equilibristas: las acrobacias de la juventud para sostener su salud mental en una sociedad desigual, un nuevo informe elaborado por el Consejo de la Juventud de España y Oxfam Intermón que destaca la precaria situación económica y social que obliga a las personas jóvenes a realizar equilibrios cuando tienen que combinar estudios con trabajos precarios y alquileres inalcanzables. El análisis señala que el 55,6% de las personas jóvenes con carencias materiales severas tienen problemas de salud mental frente al 37,7% de quienes no tienen estos problemas económicos.

Other studies

TheYouth Councilof Spain also carries out other research on the situation and demands of young people in our country, such as quarterly analyses of the EPA, reports on the situation of youth policies, legal reports, reports on youth participation structures and other topics related to the full development of Spanish youth, in collaboration with other organizations and institutions.

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